Monday, October 31, 2005

Ludiya Village #8: First House

Ludiya Village #7: First House

Silver Neclace, 1/2 kg: 6000 Rs. / $132.

Ludiya Village #6: First House

"Welcome" blanket: 1500 Rs. / $33. She really thought I liked this one. She kept asking me to buy it.
Copper Vessels

Ludiya Village #5: First House

Ludiya Village #4: First House

Ludiya Village #3: First House

Ludiya Village #2: Arrival

All of these buildings were built after the earthquake.

Ludiya Village #1: Arrival


Though the casts system is changing now in India, 20 years ago, people of the Harijan were considered of very low caste: Untouchables. They usually did jobs like cleaning bathrooms, etc. If someone of a higher caste by mistake touched them, or even brushed up against them, they were required to take a shower or bath.

Camel Photos

Travel to Ludiya #10

This man is a shepard to his camels. He is from the jat muslim community. Amongst jats, their are two castes: danita (high - holy man), and fakirana (low). This man is of the danita caste.

Travel to Ludiya #9